Sunday, February 27, 2011

It's amazing how much you learn when you teach others.

I never cease to be amazed at how much I learn when I teach others. Last night I finished teaching a Theology Class at Greenhills Christian Fellowship (GCF). We basically spent two semester surveying major Theological topics in the Bible and it was a great learning experience for all of us. I had not focused on Theology like that since my seminary days and it really helped to remind me, clarify for me and give me an opportunity to dig a little deeper on several Theological issues. A few that stood out during our class discussions were on the topics of weather or not God paid for the sins of every single individual person and the end times. I think studying and teaching the doctrines of salvation moved me from a 4 point Calvinist to a 5 pointer. It was a very stretching topic for me and the class so we took extra time on it. John MacArthur preached a two part sermon on the topic that really helped me. You can down load part 1 and part 2 free through

We also had a good time working through Eschatology (the doctrine of the end times). This too help to remind me and clarify what Scripture teaches regarding things like the rapture, tribulation, the second coming of Jesus, the 1,000 year physical Kingdom of God on the earth, judgment and the eternal state. Since the class is a survey of Major doctrines, we did not go too deep on the subject, but I believe that it was enough to wet everyone's appetites for further study, taught them the major terms, definitions and end time theological systems, while at the same time, I reenforced solid and consistent principles of how to interpret the Bible. The students also saw how greatly ones METHOD (and consistency) of interpreting the bible effects our understanding of God's Word, especially in Revelation and other end times passages.

Last Friday I began teaching a New Testament Survey class at Church of the Triumphant Christ (CTC). In the course of teaching the Gospel of Matthew, we came to a section where Jesus did a lot of healing. This brought up the question of weather or not healing gifts are for today? I will have to write more on that later, but for now I will say that we had a good discussion concerning why Jesus healed anyone in the first place and the authority to heal at will verses God healing through the prayers of believers when it is according to His will.

Tomorrow I leave for a 12 day trip to the U.S. for the Shepherd's Conference and the TMAI symposium. The symposium will meet at Calvary Bible Church in Burbank for two days. I will also take part in a mission conference there and share with a few of their Sunday School Classes about our ministry in the Philippines. As always I appreciate everyone's prayers and if your in California from March 2-16 I hope I can see you. Blessings.